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About SherLynd Baptist Church

    Welcome to the about page for SherLynd Baptist Church located between Sherando and Lyndhurst Virginia. The purpose of SherLynd Baptist Church is to introduce people to the God who can! Equip them with a faith that works in real life! Send them out to make a difference in the lives of others.


    Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith. From this we can know He wrote the story. Even the churches that bear His name was known to God long before they were an idea in the mind of man.


    This was so with SherLynd Baptist Church. God placed a desire on Rev. Roland Powell and the members of Stuarts Draft Baptist Church to explore the need for a Baptist Church in the Sherando-Lyndhurst area. From a church census, to a mission committee, to cell groups meeting in homes for prayer, the vision of SherLynd Baptist began to be realized in the 1960's.


    On May 7, 1967, the SherLynd Baptist mission became a reality. From a mission, it became a church. It has moved location and added buildings. Many changes have occurred in 30 plus years, but one thing is constant. God is in control of His church.


    The history of SherLynd Baptist is exciting. From a vision to reality, God has grown this church. Now we look forward to a bright future. We have a vision that God will increase and expand the ministries of SherLynd Baptist. We have a vision, that God will change our surroundings because of Sherlynd Baptist. We believe, that now and in the future to come, we will be used as the Blaze of the Valley to shine God's love to those around.


​​    Here at SherLynd, we affirm the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 and the Nashville statement 

our pastors:

Allen George
Kyle Byrd
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